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Hotel Savoy - Real Haunt in Kansas City MO

  • 219 W. 9th St.
  • Kansas City, MO
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It has been said that Betsy Ward lived at this hotel in the late 1800's and she died in Room 505. How she died is uncertain, one story says she committed suicide in the bathtub while another suggests there was foul play involved. Witnesses at the hotel have heard unexplained voices, spotted shadows and have heard doors open and close by themselves, all in the vicinity of Room 505. Some people have reported a feeling of being watched and followed on the second floor where a restaurant manager was allegedly stabbed to death by the dishwashers in 1990. EVP's have also been captured, along with photos that have shown orbs and apparitions. A little ghostly girl wearing Victorian-style clothing has been spotted on the fourth floor and the elevator is known to get stuck on the fourth floor pretty often, or it will send its passengers to the sixth instead when they push the fourth floor button.
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  • Dreamed of a little girl chasing me through the hotel

    Stayed here last night 1-13-2024 on the coldest night of my life -10 degrees. Im guessing the hyper cold made the veil to the paranormal super thin? I slept in room 418 and had a dream that a demonic looking 8ish year old girl in Victorian style dress was chasing me through the dark halls of the hotel. I was petrified with fear trying to get away from this entity turning around dark corners and corridors. I saw her face, it was mutilated and her eyes were black.. terrifying. At some point things got so dark i felt a shift of energy empower me almost like i became possessed as if the demon jumped into me. At this point the roles reversed. I began chasing her into the dark shadows of the hotel, laughing psychotically and screaming to her in a demonic voice “Shannon!” Come here Shannon!” She was screaming this ungodly screech running from me through the dark hallways of the pre remodeled savoy hotel. It got insane.. i saw something that made me lose consciousness.. I think im too scared to remember what it was.. I fell into a seizure like trance and became half awake paralyzed in my bed like something was holding me down. I shook myself awake right at dead hour, 3am on the dot gasping for air, drenched in sweat and terrified. I Felt like something was in the room with me. I eventually calmed down and went back to sleep. When I checked out this morning i told the ladies at the front desk and they acted like they didn’t know about any ghosts or ghost stories there at the hotel. When driving back to Texas i had my son do some research online and we were shocked to find ghost stories of a little girl in victorian dress on the 4th floor running through the halls. Well now we know her name, it must be “Shannon”. Im pretty creeped out because i didn’t stay at this place with ghosts in mind at all and had no foreknowledge of this entity or that the place was haunted. If anyone has further info on this ghost or someone named shannon connected to the history of this hotel please let it be known.

    Posted 1/15/24

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Visitors to this page: 3,598
Last edit to this listing: 5/5/2016 (3201 days ago)

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