University of Central Missouri - Warrensburg MO Real Haunts

- 108 W. South St.
- Warrensburg, MO
- (660) 543-4111
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- (2 reviews)
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- Real Haunted Colleges
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Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesYeater Hall Ghost
I attended CMSU in 1975-1976 and lived at Yeater Hall, which is where my mother lived when she went to school there in the 1940's. She said there were rumors that the hall was haunted at the time but she never experienced anything. I was on the second floor in room 211. I had a lot of things happen in that room that were spooky and scary. The door to my closet would open and close on its own, we heard people moving around in the dark, and both my roommate and I were touched by an unseen hand on different occasions. One night I woke up at about 3:00 am to see a tall dark figure standing at the foot of my bed staring at me. I yelled and woke up my roommate, and she saw it too, then it dissolved. I couldn't wait to get out of there at the end of the school year. A lot of us saw the ghost of a young woman staring out of one of the third floor windows. When we returned from Christmas vacation the third floor had been vacated and no one was allowed up there, but people continued to see that ghost looking out the window. Then my granddaughter went to the same school and stayed in Yeater Hall, without knowing anything about my history. shortly after she started school she heard the rumors of hauntings, with most of them being from the third floor. Some of the girls ran screaming down the stairs one evening, saying that a ghost would not leave them alone. After that they again closed the third floor.
Posted 1/13/25Old Yeater Hall
I worked as a temp custodian in the summer of 2006, back when the college was still CMSU. The job was having full time custodians overlord us temp crews and use us to clean up every dorm after the students had left for the summer. The crew I was with was about 15 or so people. After the initial campus wide cleaning, our crews would each get a dorm to clean each week, cleaning up after camps(football,cheer,baseball,boys and girls town) and one Hmong gathering(asian immigrants) that used the dorms to house the non-students for events. It was a mostly a good paying job and a bit of fun. Inbetween down times the crews would fool around and explore the dorms, and at the time it was FIFAs World cup so we spent free time also watching soccer on dorm common room TVs. I had been in every dorm on campus with the exceptions of the Sororities. The average feel in the dorms was a bit creepy, but it could have been due to there only being about 15 people across multiple floors of any given dorm. I could go a whole work day some days and only see maybe 4 other people and infrequently at that. Lunch and clocking in/out were exceptions. Old Yeater Hall was by far the creepiest dorm. It was a girls dorm with no working A/C, though for the summer the school did NOT have people staying there. School year girls had to use their own portable A/C's in each room. On to the ghost stuff. Only the full timers knew about the alleged ghost of Laura Yeater at first. We cleaned Old Yeater 2 1/2 weeks total the three months I worked there. I would have stuff go missing from my cleaning bucket(each day we would all hit the supply closets of each dorm we worked in to start our day) and I would argue with the only other guy in my wing that he was stealing my stuff. He would say the same about me. The wing we were working had about 16 rooms and loud floors. You couldn't just sneak up on someone and not hear them. Impossible. Yet small items went missing and the rooms were empty so possibly the ghost. I told an older full timer nicknamed Woody about th e missing items a day later and he nodded his head. He told me about the ghost stories of the place and that he believed them. Now... remember the floors are loud and for me to step into an adjoining room and come back and find stuff missing...nope. No human could at least. So the summer was hot and our first week there stuff went missing. Then the stories started and we heard why we could t I lean the fourth floor(it had been condemned allegedly in 2002 and the stories varied, but it was agreed that the wires had been pulled out on that floor there was no electricity up there). One time on our 15min break(which most times would turn into 30min breaks) I was dared to go to the top floor via the stair cases and knock on the door. The stair wells were not usually used by us as there was an main elevator to get to each floor, though some people used them infrequently. I left my coworkers and nervously climbed the stairs to go tot the top floor. I went to knock on the door and noticed the padlock was unlocked and the metal bar wasn't across the door. I flew down the flights of stairs and told all my coworkers about this(they were sitting around in the common room fans but no A/C) and a group of about 8 or us went upstairs. Me and two other guys decided to be the brave ones and went through the door into the floor. The rest of our coworkers stayed behind. The feel of the place was creepy and none of the light switches I tryed worked. The paint was pealing of the walls, there was chips of drywall on the ground from were they had pulled wires and copper out of the walls, and even though it was bright and sunny outside, not much light seemed to come through the windows of any room I saw. I walked down the hallway and have never felt so creeped out. I wasn't more than 10ft away from my other two coworkers but couldn't shake the weird feeling like I was being watched and not by them. Also for it being summer and no A/C it was realitivly cool up there. We left after a few minutes with everyone agreeing that it was weird and gave us all the heebie jeebies. Fast forward. The rest of the time spent there the full timer who maintenanced the dorm during the school year(Carol) would tell us stories of hearing things move in the night, sound of balls bouncing when no one was there, children laughing in the dead of night ect. She claimed to have recordings of said activities and I listened to one. This was 2006 and the quality of the recording I heard was crappy, but seemed to be noises recorded of some sort. Who knows what they really were,it was hard to tell. Further forward and time and it was the end of summer. My crew hadn't been back in Old Heater in weeks and it wasn't in my mind. I would pass it on the street, ya, but so what haunted dorm I didn't have to clean anymore. Once on lunch in an adjoining dorm, I could hear weird noises echoing from the direction of Yeater(it was connected on the inside through a connecting door way.) I figured it was ghost stuff. Also it was locked so there wasnt anyone there and if there was they wouldn't have been making odd noises that sounded other worldly. It was and is a large campus and I don't feel that some one could stay invisible and follow me around making things happen with out me noticing. Side note:there was stories about a blood colored stain on the fourth floor that no one had been able to clean and a six fingered hand print in a window pane. Note:stories from coworkers and I hadn't seen those things personally. We showed up for work at 8AM everyday(except weekends). It was almost the end of the 3 months and to prepare for Boys and Girls Town showing up in the following week(were high schoolers would imitate a working government for a week) we were told t show up Friday morning at 7am. My mom at the time drove me to work and I didn't have a cell phone(2006, I wouldn't be my first cell until the following year.) I would call her from the dorms common area phone if I cut hours or something like that. Well that Friday, my mother decided to drop me off at 430AM because she needed to drive to another town and do shopping for the following week. It was foggy that morning, and I hadn't known about her plan to drop me off so early until the night before. I also hadn't told anyone from work about this as I didn't even know myself. But it was foggy and a bit gloomy outside. She dropped me off in a parking lot just up from Old Yeater. The place I was to meet my coworkers was Bradshaw, which is a block up behind Old Yeater from were I was dropped off. No cell phone, just me and my thoughts and the fog. I didn't see anyone on campus and as I walked towards Bradshaw I saw Old Yeater. The only lights on in it(has alot of windows facing the street) were the stairs. The windows for the stairs were at the end of each floor for access. I counted as I walked. 3 lights. Four windows for the stairs. The 4th window didn't have a light on. Right. Fourth electricity. Or maybe it did have it on the stair well, but I didn't see a light on. 3 lights Oh well. Also they were not having anyone stay there due to the fact it was summer and only school years girls formed there. I kept walking getting pretty close to were I would turn left and then turn right and cross by Old Yeater on my way down the block to Bradshaw. Suddenly, I noticed a light turn on the FOURTH floor stairwell. I stopped in my tracks and looked around. Foggy, nobody knew I was there, nobody around, and no one sposed to be inside the locked dorm for another month or so when students returned. I counted and saw what I thought I saw. 4 lights. Not 3 anymore. I was pretty scared and confused. I was froze in place on the side walk when the light turned itself off again. Now just the 3 lights. I started to pick up my feet to run when the light turned on again,but it strobed at me, turning on and off again continuously, so fast it looked like a crazy person had control of the light. And all of a sudden it stopped again. The whole occurance all took place in a matter of maybe 1 to 2 minutes. I ran. Fast. Looking up at the 3 lights that were on and the 4th dark and not on anymore. I ran a block down and sat outside Bradshaw until my coworkers showed up at 7AM. They all thought I was nuts. Except Carol who worked in Old Yeater during the school year. She was the only one who believed me. I would go back a year later after no longer working there and look to see if the 4th floor light had been on. 2 different times I checked randomly and it had not been. It was a weird experience and ever since then with what I had known and the improbability that someone could have pranked me(who? Someone sitting up there 24/7 waiting for people to walk by? Nope) I believe in ghosts.
Posted 6/14/203 out of 3 found this review helpful
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